Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Canadian Natives

Hello, (Miss Pollock),

I agree that canada is indeed a very cold country. I did some research on the Canadian natives and How and why they lived through the cold weather of Canada. Canadian Natives used anything possible to keep warm including animal fur for clothing. as you can imagine the technology of their time wasn't as great as today and this is going to explain why they lived through it.

They found land but today Canada isn't as valuable as it was when first found. Canada was a great prize and they wanted to live with a responsibility and creating a big tribe on this land. They did so until Europe moved in.

That is what I researched.


Shauna Pollock said...

Hi Meshal,

You have some interesting points here. However, please go and check my blog to make sure that you do the assignment correctly. You need to research the first settlers who came from Europe (there are links on my site) and talk to your family about how they felt about the weather when they first came to Canada.

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